Thursday, September 3, 2009

City of Glass

5 cookies!
I love these books! City of Glass, last in the Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare. Fabulous books! These had a "Twilight" kind of flavor to them. I guess what I mean is that I got totally pulled into the characters, and I couldn't wait to see what happened to them. Another reason I loved this series is that I didn't stumble on to the series until all three books were written. I did have to wait for them from the library, but that is very different than waiting for them to be written! I could read the whole series right away. These books (City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass), for me, are the kind of books that I read super fast because I can't be patient and need to know what happens, but the whole time I am reading I am thinking "Oh no, look how fast I am reading, it will be over before I know it!" and I don't want it to end because I love it so much. Anyone else ever feel like that reading a book? I am sure that I will read these again soon, to catch all the foreshadowing and love them all over again!

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