Friday, August 28, 2009

Letters for Emily

4 cookies
Letters for Emily by Camron Wright. I really liked this book. It is a sweet and sensitive book about love and regret. I am guessing that Camron Wright is LDS, as he lives in SLC and went to BYU. He was inspired to write the book by his grandfather's poems, and a few of the poems are written at the back of the book. I'm not big on poetry, but every once in a while I come across one that I really like - I was surprised to find that I really liked almost all of Harry Wright's poems. Both the author's grandfather and the grandfather character in the book suffered from Alzheimer's, so did my grandfather. It was both humbling and endearing to read about. Although my grandpa didn't write poems, he was one of the kindest, most gentle men I have ever had the privilege of knowing, and to be his granddaughter was a blessing indeed. It was nice to have a reminder of him.

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